Portable OCR Solutions (ACVREP CE Approved, Assistive Technology Webinar)

Presented on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT

In our previous webinar, we discussed optical character recognition (OCR) technology which provides persons who are blind or visually impaired with the capacity to scan printed text and then have it spoken in synthetic speech or saved to a computer file. We covered how OCR technology comprises three essential elements—scanning, recognition, and reading text. We discussed the difference between standalone OCR products, a combination of OCR technology, and software-based access. Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity and Joseph McDaniel from Vispero joined to explain this incredible capability to the visually impaired. Note that everybody was welcome and could benefit from this presentation. Teachers of the visually impaired (TVI) could earn ACVREP continuing education credit by attending this approved presentation.

Learning Outcomes

  • What is OCR, and how it works.
  • Standalone vs. software-based application.
  • What type of OCR technology provides the best assistive benefit.

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