Previous Webinar Topics
RUBY Handheld Magnifiers: The Portable Vision Solution (Assistive Technology Webinar)
In our previous webinar with Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity and Joe McDaniel from Vispero, they discussed the features and benefits of all the RUBY models and the assistance each can give in specific situations.
RUBY Handheld Magnifiers: The Portable Vision Solution (Assistive Technology Webinar)
In our previous webinar with Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity and Joe McDaniel from Vispero, they discussed the features and benefits of all the RUBY models and the assistance each can give in specific situations.
Alternative Text Creation (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
Join Rachel Reeves from Access Ingenuity and learn more about creating alternative text for images used in documents and web pages. Wednesday, September 6, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT
Alternative Text Creation (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
Join Rachel Reeves from Access Ingenuity and learn more about creating alternative text for images used in documents and web pages. Wednesday, September 6, 2023, from 10 am to 11 am PT
JAWS: Testing for Website Accessibility (Assistive Technology & Digital Accessibility Webinar)
In our previous webinar, Michael Parker (Web Accessibility Specialist and DHS Trusted Tester) and Marisa Church (Assistive Technology Specialist and Expert Screen Reader) demonstrated how to test a website with the JAWS screen reader.
JAWS: Testing for Website Accessibility (Assistive Technology & Digital Accessibility Webinar)
In our previous webinar, Michael Parker (Web Accessibility Specialist and DHS Trusted Tester) and Marisa Church (Assistive Technology Specialist and Expert Screen Reader) demonstrated how to test a website with the JAWS screen reader.
How to Create Accessible Videos (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
In our previous webinar, we covered creating accessible videos for YouTube and other platforms. We reviewed the components of accessible videos and how to make them accessible.
How to Create Accessible Videos (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
In our previous webinar, we covered creating accessible videos for YouTube and other platforms. We reviewed the components of accessible videos and how to make them accessible.
JAWS: Getting Help & Accessing Training Materials (Assistive Technology Webinar)
In our previous webinar with Ian Ramos and Marisa Church we discussed ways to get assistance with concepts, commands, exercises, additional web resources, and more.
JAWS: Getting Help & Accessing Training Materials (Assistive Technology Webinar)
In our previous webinar with Ian Ramos and Marisa Church we discussed ways to get assistance with concepts, commands, exercises, additional web resources, and more.
Create Accessible Source Files: MS Word to PDF Remediation (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
In our previous webinar, we covered how Microsoft Word offers many tools that make remediation in PDF quicker and more successful.
Create Accessible Source Files: MS Word to PDF Remediation (Digital Accessibility Webinar)
In our previous webinar, we covered how Microsoft Word offers many tools that make remediation in PDF quicker and more successful.
Webinar Feedback
Do you have feedback on previous presentations or suggestions for future topics?