Teaching Math with the Power of Jaws and Braille Workshop

Saturday, April 20, 2024 10:00 AM PST (Session 5 - #512)

During this session, we will be discussing the newer capabilities of JAWS by demonstrating how it enables students to read and study math problems contained in web pages and Microsoft Word documents using both speech and braille. Learn how JAWS can now provide spoken, natural-language descriptions of math expressions using the same terms a teacher would use to explain them in a classroom. This enables students using JAWS to read mathematical expressions as their sighted peers do. When a refreshable braille display is connected, JAWS now shows math expressions on the display using the Nemeth Braille code, a widely used system for reading math in braille.

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  • Higher Education
  • K-12 Education
  • Government

    Event Registration

    The 2024 CTEBVI 64th Annual Conference - Creating Connections will be held at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott at 5855 West Century Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90045 from April 18 to 21, 2024. To register, follow the registration link. Read additional information on the CTEBVI Conference page.

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